high availability & virtualisation

We plan, build, operate, maintain, monitor and migrate highly available server clusters based on proxmox.

Proxmox is an open source server virtualization platform based on the Debian-based Linux operating system. It combines virtualization technology (based on the kernel-based Virtual Machine Manager, KVM) and container virtualization (using LXC) in a single solution. Proxmox enables the creation and management of virtual machines (VMs) and containers on a single physical hardware.

Here are some of the key benefits of Proxmox:

Easy management: Proxmox provides an easy-to-use, web-based interface that allows administrators to efficiently manage virtual machines and containers. With this interface, users can create, start, stop, monitor and manage VMs and containers without having to access the command line interface.

Full virtualization: Proxmox is based on KVM, a full hardware virtualization solution. This allows you to run a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, Linux and BSD, as guest operating systems. Each VM is provisioned with its own resources, such as CPU, RAM, disk space and network interfaces.

Container Virtualization: In addition to full virtualization, Proxmox also offers the ability to create containers using LXC technology. Containers provide a lightweight virtualization environment that enables more efficient use of resources. Containers share the host operating system kernel and are therefore faster to start and require fewer resources compared to full VMs.

High Availability: Proxmox provides High Availability (HA) features that allow virtual machines to automatically restart on other hosts when a host fails. This ensures high uptime and minimizes downtime.

Live migration: Proxmox enables live migration of VMs and containers between physical hosts without shutting them down. This gives you the flexibility to manage resources, perform maintenance, and optimize server utilization without impacting user services.

Cluster support: Proxmox provides the ability to connect multiple Proxmox hosts into a cluster. This allows you to scale resources and management across multiple servers and ensure high availability. The cluster also provides centralized storage, shared backup, and centralized authentication.

Built-in backup and recovery capabilities: Proxmox includes built-in backup and restore capabilities for virtual machines and containers. These features enable administrators to schedule regular backups and restore individual VMs or the entire host as needed.

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